Spotlight Interview: Mart Riley, Vice President of Strategic Sales at Kings III


In the hotel industry, the safety and well-being of guests is paramount. This is especially true in emergency situations where swift, effective communication can mean the difference between a minor incident and a major catastrophe. One company that has been at the forefront of providing comprehensive emergency communication solutions for hotels is Kings III.  In this interview, Mart Riley, Vice President of Strategic Sales at Kings III, discusses the company’s innovative solutions and how they are transforming emergency communications in the hospitality industry. The company provides a a best-in-class turnkey solution for hotel elevator, pool, & other emergency phones, covering everything from cellular dial tone, installation, equipment, monitoring, to maintenance and warranty.

Riley, who previously held key sales positions at IDT Corporation and Vonage, shares how Kings III’s all-inclusive solution for emergency phone systems benefits hotels, the key differentiators of Kings III’s emergency phone solutions, and how the company ensures compliance with elevator code requirements for emergency communications in hotels. He delves into the potential risks and liabilities that hotels face when using PBX systems for elevator emergency phones, and how Kings III’s turnkey solution consolidates dial tone, equipment, and dedicated monitoring within one vendor. He sheds light on how Kings III’s solution helps hotels reduce risk, liability, and unforeseen maintenance costs associated with emergency communications, the importance of proactivity in ensuring compliance and guest safety in elevator emergency communications, and the benefits of using a cellular elevator phone solution over relying on PBX systems for emergency communications. Finally, he shares some of the insights and trends he’s observed in the hotel industry regarding emergency communications and guest safety.

How does Kings III’s all-inclusive solution for emergency phone systems benefit hotels? 

As a whole, we help hotels optimize their safety and guest experience. For 35 years, we’ve been solely focused on emergency communications. There are currently significant changes happening in the emergency communications space due to evolving codes and technology, and we’re finding that hotels, motels, and resorts across the country are increasingly seeking our help as the dedicated SMEs. These advancements not only impact technical components for hotels, but they also bear profound implications for the human element – the core of exceptional hospitality. 

With technology purpose-built for life safety and a dedicated dispatch center staffed 24/7/365, we offer a concierge-level partnership that hotels can trust for their emergency response, providing your staff with an extra layer of security and support that allows them to focus on their key responsibilities. Features of our emergency dispatch center that you won’t find anywhere else include advanced Emergency Medical Dispatch Certified operators able to provide critical medical instructions to callers, call translation in 175+ languages, and call recordings and transcript access- invaluable for event verification, reporting, and potential litigation.

As the industry continues to evolve, hoteliers must remain vigilant, embracing innovation while maintaining a steadfast focus on empathy and compassion. By seamlessly integrating our cutting-edge emergency communications solutions, hotels can proactively mitigate risks, enhance guest safety, and cultivate an environment of trust and confidence.

What are the key differentiators of Kings III’s emergency phone solutions, particularly in terms of line consolidation and cellular technologies?

A huge overarching difference between Kings III and other emergency phone solutions is what all is included within the “solution.” In many instances, you have elevator companies who provide the equipment, telecom companies who provide the connection, and often, the monitoring is done by a separate 3rd party. We are solely focused on emergency communications, so our solution includes all of this. You can see a pretty comprehensive breakdown of what all this entails within our value comparison

Utilizing commercial strength equipment, our cellular solution was created with the sole purpose of meeting the unique needs that come with emergency communication. Other available cellular solutions are designed for consumer/personal use but make their way into commercial spaces. While they may work for a typical call, they aren’t designed with emergency response in mind. 

Our cellular solution now has an optional added benefit. The Kings III M90 cellular dialer is FirstNet Capable. FirstNet is the only nationwide communications network built with and for first responders, enhancing reliability and security when disaster strikes. FirstNet embedded solutions go through extensive review, and approved devices meet the highest standards for reliability, security, and performance.

In the case of new developments, we’ve heard from hoteliers about the difficulty in securing a new phone line from their telecom company for the purpose of passing inspection. There’s a need for immediate service to make the transition from temporary line connectivity to a permanent emergency monitoring service at new construction sites. We can help with that. We’ve developed a code-compliant solution that circumnavigates local wiring infrastructure. This helps your elevators get through inspection, avoiding phone lines delaying your construction projects, which is key when it comes to hotel seasonality, and eventually transitioning you to our turnkey elevator phone solution. We can get your elevator emergency phones 100% compliant in 72 hours. Once end users sign a pre-CO agreement with us, we’ll ship the required equipment, ready for quick and easy self-set-up, at a zero upfront cost.


How does Kings III ensure compliance with elevator code requirements for emergency communications in hotels? 

Our team places the utmost importance on code requirements. Among us, we have:  National Association of Elevator Safety Authorities Qualified Elevator Inspector Certifications, National Association of Elevator Contractors Certified Elevator Technicians, and American Society of Mechanical Engineers Code Committee Members.

That being said, code expertise is our specialty, and it’s always top of mind for us. We heed all code requirements meticulously down to the municipality. In fact, we like to work with local entities to help ensure they understand all the specific requirements correctly.

Can you discuss the potential risks and liabilities that hotels face when using PBX systems for elevator emergency phones? 

The immediate risks that come to mind start with power outages. Elevator code requires a 4-hour battery backup. With VoIP, no power to the router means there is no connection to the internet. Try to imagine how isolated a guest needing help during such a scenario might feel. Another risk is inconsistent dual-tone multifrequency. This makes communication difficult, especially when trying to retrieve information from or calling back into a specific device (also code-required). There’s also liability risks. Best practices suggest digitally recording and automatically storing all emergency calls, date/time stamped, so they’re available for event verification, reporting and potential litigation. Doing so on a PBX system would infringe on guests’ rights to privacy.  

Can you explain how Kings III’s turnkey solution consolidates dial tone, equipment, and dedicated monitoring within one vendor? 

We stay in our lane- emergency phones exclusively. We provide equipment necessary for dial tone & the actual phones themselves. We also configure all devices to call into our dispatch center. We’re able to remotely auto-test dial tone, so we’re aware of any connectivity issues, so we can resolve them asap. Our technicians are certified elevator technicians, so they’re able to do the work required in the elevator without your elevator company having to come on site

How does Kings III’s solution help hotels reduce risk, liability, and unforeseen maintenance costs associated with emergency communications? 

We design our emergency phones and equipment with code compliance and caller experience in mind, staying at the forefront of code and technology changes. As codes like ASME A17.1 and IBC evolve, mandating accessible emergency communications for those with disabilities, we embrace these developments as opportunities to redefine industry standards.

Additionally, every phone call is digitally recorded, date/time stamped, and permanently stored automatically. We make this available upon request- invaluable for event verification, reporting, and potential litigation. Ask how your hotel can be named an Additional Insured under our multi-million dollar liability, E&O, and umbrella insurance policies.

As far as maintenance and associated costs, if you are not using Kings III for your elevator monitoring (and particularly if you are using your elevator maintenance company), your emergency elevator phones are typically not covered as part of your service agreement. Thus, if something goes awry, you will need to call out your elevator company, telecom company, or in some cases, both, in order to get your phones serviced and functional.

Odds are very slim that these services are free (or even cheap), due to high prices associated with supplies, equipment, and repair parts. As a matter of fact, it’s pretty well-known that elevator servicing is one of the most expensive labor services. With Kings III, your maintenance and equipment costs are already included in an all-inclusive solution. 

Can you discuss the importance of proactivity in ensuring compliance and guest safety in elevator emergency communications? 

As the industry continues to evolve, hoteliers must remain vigilant, embracing innovation while maintaining a steadfast focus on empathy and compassion. By seamlessly integrating cutting-edge emergency communications solutions, hotels can proactively mitigate risks, enhance guest safety, and cultivate an environment of trust and confidence. Quite frankly, code compliance is just not an area any hotel can afford to be lax about. If your elevator phones aren’t code compliant, you run the risk of an improperly functioning means to help in emergency situations where it matters most. You simply can’t leave your guests vulnerable to such an experience.

Ultimately, the guest experience is inextricably linked to emergency preparedness. A well-executed emergency response can not only prevent negative reviews but also serve as a powerful testament to a hotel’s commitment to guest well-being. Conversely, a poorly managed emergency can unravel years of hard-earned reputation as dissatisfied guests share their experiences.

In an industry where 81% of travelers read reviews before booking, the impact of emergency communications on a hotel’s online reputation cannot be overstated. By prioritizing both technological innovation and human-centric empathy, hoteliers can create a harmonious synergy that resonates with guests, fostering loyalty and trust required of successful hotels. 

What are the benefits of using a cellular elevator phone solution over relying on PBX systems for emergency communications? 

Our turnkey solution, utilizing cellular, encompasses dial tone, equipment, and dedicated emergency response, consolidating all elements within a single vendor. By circumventing the need to make existing hotel PBX systems compliant with elevator emergency communications codes, hoteliers can effectively reduce risk, liability, and unforeseen maintenance costs. 

How does Kings III’s CabView solution meet the requirements for two-way messaging and video capabilities in elevators, as mandated by the code updates? 

Significant updates to American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2019+, International Building Code (IBC) 2018+, and various other statutes, such as California and NYC Building code, now require elevator emergency communication systems to include two-way messaging capability for the hearing and speech impaired, video capability, and display messages indicating help is on the way or onsite. These requirements aim to enhance accessibility, improve situational awareness, and ensure prompt and effective response during emergencies.

Our CabView solution is designed to meet the new video and two-way messaging requirements enforced by these code updates. CabView offers a comprehensive elevator video monitoring system that includes two-way messaging, video capability, and display messaging, helping to ensure compliance and peace of mind for property managers and tenants. 

The solution also embodies the core values of responsible hotel management – a steadfast dedication to protecting guests, upholding their dignity, and ensuring their well-being, even in the most challenging situations. While keeping up with evolving codes is crucial, the true essence of exceptional hospitality lies in prioritizing human lives and fostering a sense of security during emergencies. In an era where inclusivity and accessibility are rightfully celebrated, solutions like CabView stand as a testament to the unwavering commitment to safeguard every life, without compromise.

Can you discuss the benefits of connecting emergency callers with highly trained responders equipped with two-way messaging and on-demand video access into the elevator cab?

According to the American Heart Association, only about 40% of people who experience an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest receive the immediate help that they need before professional help arrives. 

At an overview level, the Advanced Emergency Medical Dispatch certification allows Emergency Medical Dispatchers in emergency communications centers to receive training in both communications and Medical Protocol in order to utilize the proper care and deliver the appropriate response in the event of an emergency call. This means that AEMD certified operators have been trained not only to make their callers feel comfortable and appropriately communicate the information needed in the situation, but also to provide the appropriate response in order to best alleviate the situation, including pre-arrival medical instructions while the caller waits for dispatched help to arrive. This is only enhanced by video and two-way messaging capabilities, and it is absolutely imperative when seconds count.

Outside of strictly medical-related emergencies, our dispatchers are not incentivized by call quotas but rather by handing calls appropriately. They respond to callers with the utmost care, staying on the line until help arrives or calling a boss or loved one to make them aware of the situation, if requested.

What measures does Kings III have in place to ensure the reliability and functionality of its emergency phone systems in hotels?

In a perfect world, everything would run smoothly all the time. Unfortunately, we live in the real world, and problems do arise from time to time. The good news is, because we build our own product and equipment for the sole purpose of increased reliability and longer life expectancy, we rarely see issues with Kings III phone equipment itself.

We can often troubleshoot phones remotely and repair and when we cannot, we’ll send a technician to remedy the issue. To add to our maintenance package, we also offer, upon request, a product auto testing feature that tests your emergency phone system for dial tone and power. Here’s how it works: Our dialer automatically checks in every 30 days. This assures us that the phone line is still connected and that we have power to our system. 

If the dialer misses a 30 day test, a Kings III employee will call into the system to try and force what is called a “CB” signal (Call Back). If they are unsuccessful receiving a call back signal, they will then contact the customer VIA email or phone.

When batteries drop below 10 Volts, our dialer automatically sends us a “Low Battery” signal. At that time, we contact the customer and work together to proceed as necessary, either shipping a battery or sending a technician out to install the battery at the customer’s request.

We also prepare for reliability and functionality in the event that things go wrong on our end. We have not one but two backup generators. We have seamlessly available uninterrupted power supplies that support operations until the primary generator is up and running. t is an automatic process and usually takes about 10 seconds to transition. These systems are tested every week to ensure we are ready. Redundancies continue into our server and network infrastructure (servers, network switches, data circuits, and phone lines) where faults and failures can be resolved without a loss of service. In addition to two generators, we also have an auxiliary Emergency Dispatch Center facility. 

Our backup call center is an offsite location fully equipped with all the necessary phone and computer systems. Not far from our main facility but on a separate power grid and phone line system helping to ensure that if one location goes down, the other will remain active.

Can you share any insights or trends you’ve observed in the hotel industry regarding emergency communications and guest safety? 

The most noteworthy trend to point out is the correlation between safety and guest experience, which in turn leads to guest reviews online. The common ground we as a company have found with hoteliers is that we all believe the guest experience and the reviews tied to that guest experience are crucial to the success of our businesses. 

Guest experience is always top of mind for anyone in the hospitality industry, and for good reason, but how much thought have you put into whether life safety measures are part of that experience? Think about it, what’s more likely to happen? Someone leaving a positive review because they appreciated the toiletries in the restroom OR someone leaving a negative review because they got stuck in the elevator & their calls from the emergency phone went unanswered for over 15 minutes? My money is on the negative review, and if it’s a litigious guest, a pending lawsuit against your hotel to follow.

Imagine yourself as a traveling guest at your hotel. Step into the elevator, allow the doors to close, take a deep breath, and press the emergency call button (seriously, it’s okay, you’re encouraged to test them regularly!). Be sure to assess your experience. How long did it take for the call to be answered? Could you hear the operator well? Did they know your exact location without your help? Considering you have travelers from all over the world, could they provide help in more than one language? Did you feel important, valued, and safe? If there’s any room for improvement here, you should consider a new solution.