In the Spotlight

How IT Leaders Can Drive Hotels and Resorts Toward Greater Success 

The hospitality industry has been through a period of rapid evolution over the last few  years, and hoteliers should be proud of how they’ve used technology to weather the storm.  Not so long ago IT […]

In the Spotlight

How Hotels Can Harness the Power of Personalization to Gain a Competitive Advantage

In today’s rapidly evolving hospitality landscape, personalization is no longer a luxury—it’s a necessity. As travelers seek unique and tailored experiences, hotels must leverage personalization to stand out in a crowded market. According to a […]


How Hoteliers Can Utilize Mobile Technology to Bridge the Staffing Gap

In this fast-paced world of hospitality, hotels still face a recurring challenge – staffing. Recruiting and retaining skilled personnel while meeting the demands of today’s travelers can seem like an uphill battle. However, the solution […]

In the Spotlight

How Hotels and Resorts Can Maximize Success with an IoT Security Solution

IoT attacks can take many forms, and traditional cybersecurity tools often fail to detect the malicious activities IoT devices. To effectively identify and counter these threats, hotels and resorts must implement a dedicated IoT security […]

In the Spotlight

Unlocking New Revenue Streams for Hotels and Resorts Through EV Charging

As we experience a country-wide shift from traditional gas vehicles towards electric vehicles, an onslaught of both challenges and opportunities are expected to arise, specifically for the hospitality industry. Mass adoption of EV charging infrastructure […]

In the Spotlight

Understanding the Challenges of IoT Security in Smart, Connected Hotels

In the era of smart hotels, also known as intelligent or connected hotels, hoteliers are leveraging IoT devices and other technologies to revolutionize the guest experience. These technologies effectively blend the physical and digital realms, […]