
Are NFT Hotel Room Packages the Way of the Future?

While the modern world has set an undeniable precedent for digital adoption and savviness in the face of frequent innovation, the introduction of the metaverse and, around the same time, the popularization of cryptocurrency and […]

In the Spotlight

Is Hospitality Moving Towards Zero-Touch with Service Automation?

With each new technological breakthrough and innovation, what once may have seemed dystopian or impossible is now simply a modern-day reality. Let’s take, for example, Amazon Go stores, which allow patrons to select the products […]


The Perfect Storm of Challenges for Hotel Sales

Group business is coming back strong, partly due to virtual events’ inability to capture the magic of IRL experiences. Studies show that group-lodging demand has rebounded this year, and group business in 2023 is expected […]

In the Spotlight

How a Top Hotelier Redefines Luxury with the Inclusion of Technology

As a hotelier, you know there are many ways to define luxury. From a property’s physical space to its service culture standard, there’s no question that luxury lives in the details. But can you define […]


Unlocking the Potential of the Metaverse for Hotel Event Planning

Though it should need no introduction, let us begin by introducing the metaverse – an immersive world of virtual reality which originated in science fiction and is set to become the next iteration of the […]

In the Spotlight

5 Features Hotels Can Utilize to Automate Pre-Stay Guest Communications

Budgets for 2023 likely include a fair consideration of additional automations that can be embedded into the hotel tech stack to heighten team productivity and offer some potential cost savings. One problem herein that we […]

In the Spotlight

Why Hotels Should Treat “Plant-Based” as Simply an Extension of “Data-Based”

Vegan, vegetarian, flexitarian, dairy-free, gluten-free, ovo-pescatarian, fruitarian – there are lots of diets out there and, significantly, more and more people are adjusting their habits away from the starchy, fried and meat-focused Standard American Diet […]